Monday, 11 August 2014

RIP Robin Williams

I had the worst night in six months last night, that lovely combination of migraine and cluster headaches. At 6 AM my wife asked me if I was okay, my gut reaction, 'no I wish I was dead'... And I meant it. As the fog started of pain and nausea started to lift, I reached for my phone as I always do to read the news and events of the night, in an attempt to reconnect with the world.

This mornings headline... 'RIP Robin Williams'

One of the worlds greatest and funniest men had taken his life while the pain was ravishing my life last night.

All of a sudden I was so grateful to be alive.

As a cluster headache sufferer, I have stood on the edge of life a number of times. The edge between Life and death, hope and despair, where our pain seems so all encompassing that future seems impossible.

A future is possible, but it's a long, hard, and sometimes lonely journey. It's not always the future we hoped or planned for, but it is our very own unique part of the universe in if we're not there to shine the light just fades. We can make our unique part of the universe beautiful we just have to keep on fighting.

RIP Robin Williams, you fought a good fight and your art and humour will keep me going in the darkest of times that I know I have ahead of me. Your light will not fade for a long time you kind and gentle man

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