Saturday 24 December 2016

An open letter to the ones I love

I have had so many compliments about my strength in the face of my illnesses recently. People have even gone as far as to say that I am the strongest person they know. These are people I count as family, linked to me by both blood and friendship. You, lovely people, but it surprises me and it humbles me... because is only partly true.

I have a confession, I'm not strong, in fact I am a thief. It's not my strength that you see ... it is the strength that I steal from other people.

Every time you send me a message, pick up the phone to give me a ring, send me a letter, pop in to see me, meet me for a cuppa... anytime you reach out to me in anyway I steal a little more strength, I steal it from you.

So when you look at how many obstacles I face and how many challenges I rise to just imagine how grateful I am for all the strength I steal from the people that love me all year round.

It's not easy to love somebody who is living with long-term illness and constant pain. I am moody,  I snap at you,  I cancel plans and I go off the radar for weeks at a time. I've lost people over the years because it didn't fit with their life.

The fact that there are still enough people around me to supply me with the amount of strength I need is testament to you not me. You stuck with me through thick and thin and have ridden the highs and lows with me. Thank you.

I am forever grateful;  You are my tribe and I love you so much.

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